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Key steps to tackle process costs in indirect procurement

Find out how you can streamline your procurement processes to lower your costs.


Articles 71 — Page 2 of 6

Key steps to tackle process costs in indirect procurement

Find out how you can streamline your procurement processes to lower your costs.

Eco-friendly business travel at Unite

Replacing company cars with shuttle buses and trains: Unite’s green travel policy. The Executive Board leads by example.

Unlimited supplier options: benefits of a single creditor model

Why the single creditor model is the fastest way to streamline your procurement

Decentralised procurement

Profiting from the benefits by doing it the compliant way.

B2B vs B2C marketplaces

What’s the difference between dedicated marketplaces for businesses and consumers?

Unite and set to collaborate on AI

Unite’s Munich office has enthusiastically embraced a new era of AI collaboration.

Information Security Management at Unite

IT Security Officer Alexander Warschun talks about Information Security Management at Unite.

Top 5 criteria for choosing a B2B marketplace

What to look for in a professional marketplace to give your business the edge.

Unitees on a health mission in Leipzig

The mental and physical health of all Unitees is a matter close to our hearts, especially for the team in charge of Corporate Health Management (CHM).

Dynamic times call for dynamic buying strategies

Dynamic times require real-time data and automation to create transparency and better decisions.

Unite at IFPSM World Summit 2023

Unite supported the IFPSM World Summit hosted in Florence, Italy. This remarkable event brought together more than 500 international procurement professionals.

Streamlining LGI's procurement process: A leap in efficiency

Challenged by rising costs and long lead times, LGI tapped into Unite's solutions. Explore how they revamped P2P and indirect procurement for peak efficiency.