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BusinessShop for buyers

Looking for a hassle-free shopping experience from vetted suppliers and only one creditor? Our Single Creditor BusinessShops have you covered.

Unite BusinessShop Buyers One Click

The one-click-way to start buying

A wide range of pre-integrated BusinessShops, our scalable version of e-catalogues, are waiting for you to activate in the Unite Store. Once activated, you can start buying from these suppliers right away.

Ralph Ulmer, Hoerbiger

Setting up new suppliers caused us large amounts of admin effort in the past. Now we can add suppliers to our network and adapt it to suit our needs. This has also truly helped us in going digital. It’s a completely revolutionary way of handling indirect spend.

Ralph Ulmer, Head of Corporate Purchasing & Executive Vice President at Hoerbiger Germany

Unite BusinessShop Buyers E-Catalogues

One creditor, unlimited suppliers

Unlock the ease of buying from numerous suppliers but dealing with only one creditor. Our focused solution streamlines your procurement process, offering you the ultimate convenience and efficiency in managing invoices.

Unite BusinessShop Buyers Transparency

Pricing transparency for your people

Maximise the value of individual prices with the search function on our Procurement Portal. Because BusinessShops are displayed prioritised when you search - with a supplier logo and prominent offers – it is much easier to drive spend and channel orders. See how they stack up against the competition – the knowledge you need for your next negotiation.

Just add our Procurement Portal

Find out how it makes all the difference.

Find your regular suppliers

Your BusinessShop partners are prominently displayed when you search for products, giving you easy access to the suppliers you need.

Your basket, optimised

Choose better prices, faster shipping, or fewer packages – whatever matters most to your people.

Tight control of your terms

Enable users to purchase according to your preferences. Manage views and instal approval workflows.

Powerful price comparison

Compare offers of duplicate items from our Spotmarket listed alongside those from your BusinessShops, driving competition.

Want to procure with Unite?

Open for business, in an instant

BusinessShops don’t just benefit buyers. If you’re a supplier, you can connect to as many customers as you want - with one-time effort using the Unite Store. Or you can choose to keep it private.