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Stories and insights

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Key steps to tackle process costs in indirect procurement

Find out how you can streamline your procurement processes to lower your costs.


Articles 80 — Page 7 of 7

United for gender equality for a sustainable tomorrow

Interview with Dr Jane Lynch about the role of women in procurement and educating the future generations

“A second life for IT hardware”

Interview with Marco Kuhn from the IT refurbisher bb-net

Cybersecurity: Protecting yourself from phishing and other threats

This blog post lays out the most common cybersecurity threats.

How digital solutions support procurement and supply chain management

A new study sheds light on today’s procurement and supply chain needs.

Think green – Sustainable procurement in healthcare

How can sustainable procurement be implemented in practice?

How Mercateo helped Zalando optimise its indirect procurement

In search of enhancing efficiency in its indirect purchasing, Zalando chose Mercateo to digitally merge its multiple different procurement flows and introduce an internationally standardised purchasing solution.

How Hoerbiger integrates supplier diversity

By using the Mercateo procurement platform, the long-standing company
HOERBIGER has digitised their indirect spend and drastically reduced their
processing costs.

Securing access to global players: Success thanks to strong partners

As one of the first Spot Buy Catalogue enabled vendors on Unite, Swiss tool supplier Brütsch/Rüegger has direct access to SAP Ariba customers.