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Setting standards in ethics and sustainability

In today’s business environment, transparency and sustainability are more than just buzzwords – they are essential components of a company’s operational success and reputation. Unite’s innovative approach to CO2 reporting and its rigorous Code of Conduct reflects a deep commitment to these principles, aligning seamlessly with recent recommendations from Forrester's report on sustainability: "Procurement is the Key to Sustainable Supply Chains." 

Simplifying carbon footprint measurement  

Unite is at the forefront of transforming how businesses measure and manage their carbon footprint through its CO2 reporting project, developed in partnership with Yook. This thorough methodology simplifies the process of visualising and reporting carbon emissions, making compliance with major sustainability reporting standards, such as the GHG Protocol and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), much easier. 

By providing a user-friendly platform that offers detailed and accurate carbon footprint data, Unite addresses a significant challenge highlighted by Forrester's report – namely, the difficulty of measuring and managing Scope 3 emissions, which are often the most complex and least transparent. 

Infographic of scope of emission
Understanding emission criteria: scope 1 are direct emissions that are owned or controlled by a company, whereas scope 2 and 3 indirect emissions are a consequence of the activities of the company but occur from sources not owned or controlled by it

Enhancing data accuracy and compliance 

Forrester's report emphasises the importance of accurate data in sustainability reporting and highlights the legislative pressures for companies to address their carbon emissions comprehensively. Unite meets these needs head-on by offering a Data Accuracy Score, which assesses the quality of CO2 data and incorporates a safety margin to account for statistical uncertainties. This approach ensures reliable data, helping businesses make informed decisions and avoid the pitfalls of regulatory non-compliance. 

Explore key insights in Forrester's report

For more insights into how sustainability efforts can align with best procurement practices, check out the detailed findings in Forrester's report here:

Commitment to ethical and responsible practices  

In addition to focusing on carbon emissions, Unite’s Code of Conduct underscores a broader commitment to ethical and responsible business practices. The Code of Conduct mandates fair wages, safe working conditions, and non-discriminatory practices, aligning with Forrester's report’s findings that stress the need for companies to uphold stringent labour standards across their supply chains.  
And our values are aligned with the proposed EU Supply Chain Directive (CSDDD), which aims to safeguard human rights and the environment.  
As a platform, we are mindful of our responsibility. We are currently implementing the fully automated Osapiens software solution for risk analysis and assessment in Germany to meet the requirements of the German Supply Chain Act (LkSG). Standardised templates from the law firm Graf von Westphalen support legally compliant risk assessment and the efficient management of remedial and preventive measures. Following the pilot phase, the solution will be rolled out in 11 other EU countries where we operate from.  
By fostering a work environment free from harassment and discrimination and ensuring that all employees are treated with dignity and respect, Unite demonstrates a holistic approach to sustainability that includes both environmental and social governance.  

Ensuring health and safety in the workplace  

Unite’s commitment to health and safety, as detailed in its Code of Conduct, supports the principles outlined in Forrester's report. The report notes that protecting workforce well-being is integral to sustainable operations. Unite’s emphasis on creating a safe working environment and providing comprehensive health and safety training demonstrates a proactive approach to mitigating risks and fostering a culture of well-being – an essential component of a sustainable business strategy. 

Unitee at work

Advancing environmental stewardship 

Unite has protocols in place to achieve net-zero goals as suggested in the Forrester report for addressing suppliers’ carbon emissions. This alignment underscores the importance of integrating environmental considerations into sourcing strategies and collaborating with suppliers to enhance overall sustainability. 

Upholding professional integrity 

Finally, Unite’s focus on professional integrity and anti-corruption, reinforced through regular audits and a whistleblowing mechanism, supports Forrester's report’s emphasis on ethical standards and transparency in procurement. By upholding these principles, Unite helps build trust and ensure long-term sustainability, demonstrating that ethical business practices and rigorous sustainability efforts go hand in hand. 

Explore key insights in Forrester's report

For more insights into how sustainability efforts can align with best procurement practices, check out the detailed findings in Forrester's report here: