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Stories and insights

Be in the know with all the latest stories from across our organisation. Want to dive deeper? Explore our industry insights and listen to our podcast – where we tackle complex issues to keep you on top of trends, hot topics and big-picture developments.

Key steps to tackle process costs in indirect procurement

Find out how you can streamline your procurement processes to lower your costs.


Articles 76 — Page 5 of 7

Leading with empathy

Christel Constant on decision-making, customer centricity and DE&I

Agile working methods in an SAP environment

In this interview, agile coach Jana Wachsmuth reveals how agile working fits in with the SAP environment.

We contribute to a circular economy

How recycled toners support a circular economy: an interview with Michael Hartmann from PRINTION.

Georg Jachan: delivering aid, bringing hope to Ukraine

At Unite, we are proud to collaborate with individuals and organisations that embody the spirit of giving and compassion. One such individual is Georg Jachan, co-founder of the Association for Worldwide Emergency Aid, who has demonstrated an...

Unite donates computers to a local school

Unite handed over computers, screens and hardware accessories to a school for children with special needs.

PIEL on driving innovation and having the courage to try something new

Why is change important. An interview with Mario Ernst, Managing Partner at PIEL.

Tackling VUCA and dynamic markets

Unite CEO Dr Sebastian Wieser answered exciting questions about the biggest challenges of our time: volatility, scarcity and inflation, at the 2022 Digital Procurement World Conference in Amsterdam. Watch the video interview and learn more...

Procurement should be simple

An interview with Bettina Fischer, Co-Founder and CEO of Hivebuy

Weathering the VUCA storm

The volatile world is here to stay but what does that mean for e-procurement?

Equipped for tomorrow

Interview with KAISER+KRAFT about the company’s quest for a sustainable future.

We came, we worked, we partied!

Unite's annual Summer Party is back after a three-year hiatus.

Unite Podcast #34: Crisis time is procurement time

Why procurement takes on a leading role in times of crisis