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Our evolution from Mercateo to Unite

Mercateo is evolving into Unite as a continuation of our rebranding journey. It’s part of our commitment to provide you with a clearer, more unified experience. Here you can find out everything you need to know about the latest changes and how they’ll affect you.

What is changing?

From 30 September 2024, we’ll be changing our platform name from Mercateo to Unite.

This update includes a new logo and some visual modifications on the user interface of the Mercateo Marketplace and Procurement Portal to align with the rebranding. Additionally, you’ll observe changes in our written content across the platform, support area, and within our emails.

But don’t worry, our URL remains the same, and there won’t be any changes to your existing agreements and services or our support.

The Evolution of Mercateo
The Evolution of Mercateo

Your questions answered

Here we answer your questions about what will happen and when, and how it might affect you.

Our platform has grown beyond its original scope, evolving into a comprehensive procurement solution for catalogue-based products across private and public sector organisations. As a result, the Mercateo brand no longer aligns with our vision.

On top of that, users of the Unite Network and the Mercateo Marketplace and Procurement Portal have faced a fragmented experience. By transitioning to Unite, we are unifying our platform, ensuring a cohesive experience and clearly communicating that we are now a fully integrated solution.

The first visible changes, including the new logo and updated wordings in the user interface, will be introduced on 30 September 2024. Starting in November 2024, our customer service emails will change, and you will be able to reach us at the new address: In December 2024, we’ll begin renaming our legal entities, starting with Germany, followed by Austria and the UK in early 2025. Other markets will follow later in 2025. Throughout this period, we’ll also gradually update our communication materials to fully transition to the Unite brand.

Initially, you’ll notice the new logo and updated wordings in the user interface. From November 2024, our customer service email addresses will change to Starting in December 2024, the names of our legal entities in various countries will also change, beginning with Germany. Communication materials will continue to be updated to reflect the Unite brand as these changes roll out over the following months.

The new logo is a plus sign created from four interlocking ‘U’ shapes, forming a unique symbol. It also looks like two links of a connecting chain, reflecting Unite’s core idea of reciprocal connections. The logo symbolises our over 20-year legacy of uniting buyers and suppliers for mutual benefit. While the ways our platform supports transactions have evolved and expanded, the fair principles at its foundation remain unchanged.

Our new tagline reflects our commitment to fostering fair and collaborative business relationships, empowering companies to create value efficiently and sustainably.

Our values, teams, ownership structure, and dedication to building a platform for fair business remain unchanged.

No, our postal addresses will remain the same, reflecting our ongoing presence and support.

While the Mercateo brand is being phased out, the Mercateo URL will still be used on the purchasing platform for our web access customers. Some legacy marketing materials may also retain the Mercateo branding during the full transition to Unite.

You can easily download the logo in all common formats from the Unite Brand Hub. Visit this page to see all available versions and access the implementation guidelines.

• Germany: Changing from ‘Mercateo Deutschland AG’ to ‘Unite Procurement Deutschland AG’ (December 2024).
• Austria: Changing from ‘Mercateo Austria GmbH’ to ‘Unite Procurement Austria GmbH’ (early 2025).
• UK: Changing from ‘Mercateo UK Limited’ to ‘Unite Procurement Limited’ (early 2025).
• Other markets will follow later in 2025.

Mercateo is neither insolvent nor has it been sold to Unite. Instead, the Mercateo brand has undergone a rebranding process. The legal entities that currently include ‘Mercateo’ in their names will simply change names to ‘Unite Procurement [Country]’. Their legal identity remains unchanged.




No, all tax identification numbers, VAT IDs, DUNS numbers etc., of our legal entities/your contractual partners will remain the same.

No, existing contracts remain valid and unchanged.

No, existing contracts remain valid and unchanged.

Yes, cheques, direct debits and standing orders will still work as payment details, such as our account number, have not changed.

No, payment details, such as our account number, have not changed.

No, you don’t need to create a new vendor or debtor. The existing contractual partner is simply changing its name.

All tax identification numbers, VAT IDs, DUNS numbers etc., will remain the same. Just update the company name in your master data.

From 14 November 2024, you can reach our customer service at the following email:

Eventually, yes. Some of our materials will be updated immediately, but many will still reflect the Mercateo visual and verbal style. Please bear with us as we gradually refresh these assets and improve their usability. For the latest updates, be sure to check our communication channels regularly.

No, we will continue to uphold our high-quality standards in processing transactions for all our platform participants.

Our rebranding is designed to enhance your experience by streamlining user journeys. These changes will make it easier for you to find and purchase the products you need, while also ensuring smoother interactions with our platform and partners.

No, your login details will stay the same.

Still got questions?

We hope our FAQ covers any concerns you may have about how the rebranding will affect you. If you need further information or have any other questions, please get in touch — we’re here to ensure the transition is smooth for you.