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Stay connected with all the latest updates from Unite, explore our upcoming events and dive deeper with our expert insights. And if you’re looking for press information, you’re in the right place.


Articles 104 — Page 5 of 9

Unite at Coupa Inspire EMEA 2023

Event date: 19.06.23 - 21.06.23

ExCeL London, UK

Meet Unite at Coupa Inspire EMEA and learn more about our partnership and Mercateo B2B Marketplace.

Unite Podcast #38: Fair Tax – an inside perspective

As a Fair Tax Mark accredited company, Unite has always considered CSR Corporate Social Fiscal Responsibility.

Press 05.06.23

Tracking sustainability in B2B procurement

New study examines the current state of sustainable procurement and responsible supply chains.

E-procurement trends in a post-Covid world

How do we tackle the challenges faced by procurement professionals in a post-Covid era?

Unite Podcast #37: understanding circular economy

Informative and engaging insights on definition and best practices of a circular economy

Indirect tail spend matters in procurement strategies

Indirect tail spend represents around 20% of a company’s spending. Learn more about tail spend challenges and how to gain significant savings.

Energy company STEAG boosts procurement via API

The energy company STEAG provides its users with easy access to external supplier catalogues via a Unite API integration without having to rethink its procurement process.

“We work towards a healthy future for our employees”

Promoting a healthy work environment pays off – Unite has its own dedicated Workplace Health Team to look after its employees’ wellbeing.

Tech and talent: what women want in IT

Continuous learning, curiosity, and networking are effective strategies for women's success in IT at Unite.

CEE e-procurement Summit 2023 was a success!

Event date: 28.03.23

The 4th edition of the biggest e-procurement event in Slovakia saw over 200 attendees who gathered to discuss procurement in turbulent times.

Press 14.03.23

EOPA 2023: Unite wins big

Unite has been awarded the title of “Marketplace/Platform of the Year” in the European Office Products Awards (EOPA) 2023.