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Information about the new login page

We’ve changed the design of our login page, but the functionality stays the same. Find out more about the updates to the design.

The new design is part of our extensive rebrand, which aims to give the Unite brand a more modern and user-friendly look.

What’s changing?

  • Updated design: the new login form has a clear and clean user interface.

  • Improved usability: navigate the page more easily, including on your mobile device.

  • Increased security: new features provide better protection for your personal data and enable future improvements in secure authentication.

What stays the same?

  • Unchanged login process: you can log in as before and get started right away.

  • Same details: your login details and other information (e.g. contact details) are unaffected by the changes.

  • Saving your password: if you’ve previously saved your login details in the browser or a password manager, save them again now.

Your questions answered

We want to ensure our services not only have great functionality but are also visually appealing and up to the latest standards. The updated design of the login page is part of our extensive rebrand.

This is because the login page is a new form. Save your login details again in your browser or password manager.

Don’t worry, our Customer Service Team is always available to help. You can contact them directly.

There are two different methods to log into our new page, depending on when you registered:

Registration before August 2024
If you registered before August 2024, please use your username to log in. This is the name you chose during your original registration.

Registration after August 2024
If you registered from August 2024 onwards, please use your email address to log in. It must be the same email address you provided during registration.

For more information or assistance, please contact our customer service. Go to the contact details here.

Additional information

  • Ensure you enter your login details correctly to access your account.

  • If you experience issues logging in or have forgotten your login details, click on ‘Forgotten your password?’ link on the login page to reset your password.

  • If you continue to experience difficulties, please contact our customer service.