Last updated: 05/2024
Unite is committed to sustainable success through compliance with legal regulations and self-imposed standards. The Supplier must ensure that all Items offered and supplied comply with relevant laws and the following requirements. Unite reserves the right to verify compliance at any time.
A Banned items
The sale of the following items is prohibited:
1 Pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceuticals may not be sold.
Medical devices, on the other hand, are permitted. The key distinction between these categories lies in their interaction with the body: pharmaceuticals typically exert chemical or biological effects, whereas medical devices primarily function through physical means.
2 Tobacco products and narcotics
Cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, and other tobacco products as well as nicotine-containing items like electronic cigarettes are prohibited.
This ban extends to narcotics, drugs and other substances that may pose a health risk.
Alcohol sales are subject to the restrictions outlined in Part B.
3 Substances and mixtures requiring expertise
Substances and mixtures bearing the following hazard pictograms in combination with the respective H (hazard) statements are not permitted:

GHS06 (skull and crossbones)

GHS08 (health hazard) and one of the hazard warnings H340, H350, H350i, H360, H360F, H360D, H360FD, H360Fd, H360Df, H370 or H372

GHS03 (flame over circle)

GHS02 (flame) and one of the hazard warnings H224, H241 and H242

Articles which, when used as intended, emit hydrogen phosphide

GHS01 (exploding bomb)
4 Explosives precursors
Separate offerings of explosives precursors like acetone and sulphuric acid are prohibited.
5 Plant protection products
Plant protection products such as moss killer, natural fertiliser, fruit fertiliser, and lawn fertiliser may not be sold.
In contrast, biocides are permitted.
6 Animals and protected plants
The sale of live animals is forbidden.
In addition, the sale of animal carcasses, parts of animals and plants that are subject to species protection under the CITES Convention (e.g. great apes, whales, elephants, pangolins, tortoises, crocodiles, various species of orchids and cacti), and items made from parts of such animals and plants is prohibited.
7 Returnable one-way beverage containers
Returnable bottles and other beverage containers subject to a deposit are not allowed.
8 Erotic and pornographic items
Erotic and pornographic items of any kind, including sex toys, may not be sold. This ban also includes sexual novelty items as well as, for example, to foodstuffs with a pornographic reference.
9 Weapons and pyrotechnics
Firearms, bladed and thrusting weapons, chemical irritant weapons and gas pistols as well as other dangerous items such as throwing stars and crossbows are prohibited. This ban extends to weapon parts, ammunition, weapon kits (including model kits used to make replica firearms that cannot be used to fire ammunition), paintball guns and mock weapons.
The sale of pyrotechnics is also prohibited.
10 Items breaching the constitution
Items of an anti-constitutional nature or which promote racism, hatred or discrimination as well as fascist memorabilia may not be sold.
11 Items banned from sale by law
Items banned from sale by law are prohibited, including:
Those outlined in Article 5 of the EU’s Single-Use Plastics Directive, such as any items made of oxo-degradable plastic as well as certain single-use plastic products, e.g. takeaway food containers and cups for beverages made of polystyrene, cotton bud sticks, disposable cutlery and plates, straws, stirrers, and balloon sticks
Hidden surveillance cameras
Navigation devices with integrated radar warning
Counterfeit products as well as items that infringe trademark, copyright or patent rights
and many more
B Item restrictions
The sale of the following Items is subject to specific regulations. This list serves as a guideline and is not exhaustive. It does not release the Supplier from its legal and contractual obligation to carry out an ongoing review of the legal compliance of its offers, nor release the Supplier from the obligation to ensure legal compliance and to indemnify Unite in the event of violations.
1 Product safety-related items
Only products that meet all relevant legal safety standards may be listed for sale. This includes compliance with product-specific regulations for toys, electrical devices, personal protective equipment, medical products, and measuring instruments. Any obligations related to information, inspection, storage, transport and correction must be fulfilled, and products must be accurately labelled (e.g. CE, UKCA). Declarations of conformity must be provided to Unite on request and, if necessary, supplied with the product.
2 Chemicals (REACH)
Substances, mixtures and articles that are subject to the EU REACH Regulation, UK REACH, CH ChemO, or in general the chemicals legislation applicable to the Contract Territory must meet all legal requirements. For hazardous substances and mixtures (‘Hazardous Substances’), safety data sheets and the information in accordance with Article 33 of the EU REACH Regulation must be provided and kept up to date at least electronically in the Item description and, if necessary, with the delivery. Following amendments to safety data sheets for Hazardous Substances supplied by the Supplier in the previous twelve months, the updated safety data sheet must be marked “Revised on [date]” and emailed to (quoting the respective Unite order number), and also updated in the Item description.
Moreover, Hazardous Substances may only be sold if the following information is contained in the Item description:
Hazard pictograms
Signal words
H (hazard) and P (precautionary) statements
Any necessary special labelling
3 Biocides
Biocide listings must include a clear and emphasised caution in the long description of the Item (‘Biocide Caution’):
“Use biocides with care. Always read the label and product information before use.”
The Item description must not mislead regarding health risks (e.g. ‘low-risk’, ‘non-toxic’, ‘harmless’, ‘natural’, ‘environmentally friendly’).
In addition, biocides must be authorised for sale in the relevant Contract Territory, and the following information is required:
Details specified in Section Chemicals (REACH) in Part B, including the safety data sheet
Biocide Caution
Name and authorisation or registration number of the biocide
If applicable, instructions for use, information on the fields of application, information on prohibitions and restrictions (e.g. limitation to qualified users)
4 Disinfectants
Disinfectants can only be sold if they are classified as biocides, medical products or cosmetics. Disinfectants that are classified as pharmaceuticals may not be sold.
5 Certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS)
Electrical and electronic equipment must comply with the EU RoHS Directive and its national implementation laws, UK RoHS, CH ChemRRV or in general with the relevant legislation applicable to the Contract Territory. In particular, prescribed substance quantities (for heavy metals, flame retardants, and plasticisers used, etc.) must not be exceeded.
Declarations of conformity and verification documentation should be readily available and provided to Unite upon request. Proper labelling (e.g. CE) is also required.
6 Energy labelling
For items requiring an energy label (in particular electrical appliances and light sources), the energy label and the product data sheet must also be displayed in the online offer as specified by the EU Framework Regulation for Energy Labelling or corresponding laws in the Contract Territory.
7 Conflict minerals
Pursuant to the EU’s Conflict Minerals Regulation and the US Dodd-Frank Act, the minerals tin, tantalum, tungsten and their ores as well as gold may not be sourced from conflict or high-risk areas (e.g. the Democratic Republic of the Congo). The Supplier is responsible for establishing suitable processes – and, if necessary, provide evidence – to ensure that items do not contain any conflict minerals from these regions. The same due diligence is required for the use of cobalt and mica.
8 Alcohol and other age-restricted items
Age-restricted products, like alcoholic beverages, must only be sold with an age rating and cannot be sold to minors. Verification of the recipient’s age upon delivery is mandatory.
9 Books
When selling books, any fixed book prices in the respective Contract Territory must be observed.
10 Private copying levy
For devices or media capable of making or storing reproductions (e.g. scanners, printers, tablets, smartphones, CDs, hard drives, SD cards, USB flash drives, photocopiers), the Supplier must ensure that – if applicable in the respective Contract Territory – the private copying levy is paid and must comply with any related information and reporting obligations.
11 Textiles, food, cosmetics
For items like textiles, foodstuffs and cosmetics, specific information obligations must be met. For instance, the fibre composition or ingredients must be stated in a specific order.
12 Items subject to extended producer responsibility (EPR)
Items subject to EPR (extended producer responsibility) primarily include packaging, electrical and electronic equipment, batteries, and single-use plastics. In some countries (e.g. France), EPR regulations also apply to other product categories. Manufacturers of these products have an extended responsibility to manage their products’ entire lifecycle and environmental impact. Where required by law, the Supplier must take appropriate measures to ensure that the manufacturer’s obligations are fulfilled for the items concerned, either by itself or through one of its upstream suppliers, and provide evidence of this to Unite upon request.
The following EPR obligations are listed as examples and are not exhaustive. They must be met separately for each country of delivery:
Packaging: registration with the national packaging register and financial contribution to a disposal system as required by local laws.
Electrical and electronic equipment: registration with national authorities, item labelling for proper disposal, and e-waste collection as required by local laws.
Batteries: registration with national authorities, battery labelling for proper disposal, fulfilling information obligations, and collection of waste batteries as required by local laws.