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Unite donates computers to a local school

As part of Unite’s ongoing CSR initiatives, the Köthen office donates 14 computers and accessories to the Angelika Hartmann School.

Unite donates computers to a local school

Headmaster Andreas Elze and student Josey accepted the donation made by our Köthen office on behalf of students at the Angelika Hartmann School in December. Unite donated 14 computers, mouses and keyboards.

Founded in 1991, it’s the school’s mission to help students with learning disabilities to become confident learners. “The computers at our school are from the year 2000. Red tape and low budgets make it difficult for us to upgrade technical equipment,” says headmaster Andreas Elze. “That’s why we’re so grateful for Unite’s donation. Thank you very much for your kind support!”

Schools show great interest in computer donations

Once students graduate, they’re expected to know how to use computers. But with outdated, broken or missing hardware, schools often aren’t equipped to teach their students. The donated computers will be set up in the school’s computer room where the school newspaper is created. And the 98 students aged 6 to 19 couldn’t be more excited to start using them. In the summer of 2022, the school received the ‘Goldene Feder’ (Golden Pen) award for ‘Best School Newspaper’ in the category special needs school.

Driving digitisation

Computers are driving digitisation at the school, allowing students to use learning platforms, write their texts and listen to music.

“As a technology company and one of the largest employers in Köthen, we’re aware of our social responsibility. It’s a joy for us to support schools by donating computers, screens and furniture”, says Marcus Hendel, Human Resources Manager at Unite. We recently handed over 30 desks to the Freie Schule Anhalt in Köthen.

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