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Articles 23 — Page 2 of 2

What is maverick buying and what are the risks?

Find out what maverick buying is all about, why it happens, and how it could impact your business.

Commanding the future: armed forces personnel take charge

Unite is committed to creating a thriving workforce and a part of that includes hiring ex-service personnel.

E-procurement trends in a post-Covid world

How do we tackle the challenges faced by procurement professionals in a post-Covid era?

Indirect tail spend matters in procurement strategies

Indirect tail spend represents around 20% of a company’s spending. Learn more about tail spend challenges and how to gain significant savings.

Weathering the VUCA storm

The volatile world is here to stay but what does that mean for e-procurement?

Equipped for tomorrow

Interview with KAISER+KRAFT about the company’s quest for a sustainable future.

Cybersecurity: How to protect your work devices from malware

Learn how you can protect your mobile devices against viruses and malware.

Cybersecurity: how to create a secure password

Unite’s IT Operations Officer, Alexander Warschun, explains how complex a password needs to be.

Sustainability beyond CSR

Taking action in procurement and supply chain management

“A second life for IT hardware”

Interview with Marco Kuhn from the IT refurbisher bb-net

Cybersecurity: Protecting yourself from phishing and other threats

This blog post lays out the most common cybersecurity threats.