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Articles 20 — Page 1 of 2

Procurement in the automotive industry

How advanced procurement and technology shape the evolving automotive industry

Procurement in energy and utilities

How procurement practices and technology drive success and help tackle multifaceted challenges today and in the future.

Procurement excellence: the evolving role of the CPO

We take a look at the challenges facing organisations and how these have radically transformed the CPO job description.

Unite’s new headquarters inaugurated

Unite’s new headquarters is situated in the heart of Europe. Let’s celebrate this significant milestone in Unite’s journey.

Efficient procurement in four easy steps

Steps businesses must take to acquire goods and services to operate efficiently.

Key steps to tackle process costs in indirect procurement

Find out how you can streamline your procurement processes to lower your costs.

Decentralised procurement

Profiting from the benefits by doing it the compliant way.

B2B vs B2C marketplaces

What’s the difference between dedicated marketplaces for businesses and consumers?

Information Security Management at Unite

IT Security Officer Alexander Warschun talks about Information Security Management at Unite.

Simple solutions that put a stop to maverick buying

Discover the second part of our maverick buying series.

What is maverick buying and what are the risks?

Find out what maverick buying is all about, why it happens, and how it could impact your business.

Commanding the future: armed forces personnel take charge

Unite is committed to creating a thriving workforce and a part of that includes hiring ex-service personnel.