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Georg Jachan: delivering aid, bringing hope to Ukraine

At Unite, we are proud to collaborate with individuals and organisations that embody the spirit of giving and compassion. One such individual is Georg Jachan, co-founder of the Association for Worldwide Emergency Aid, who has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to helping those in need, especially in times of crisis.

Georg Jachan and companions from his association with a stockpile of aid materials

Georg brings years of hands-on experience, collaborating with organisations like the German Red Cross on various projects delivering supplies to Bosnia, Croatia, Iraq and Romania. During the refugee crisis, he carried out sea rescues off the coast of Lesbos, Greece.

When the Russian war broke out in Ukraine, Georg promptly organised aid efforts and successfully delivered trucks filled with essential supplies to the region. He also helped renovate an orphanage near Odesa, Ukraine.

Sharing his experiences and the difficulties of transporting aid supplies to the front lines, Georg says, “Logistics can be challenging for freight forwarders, particularly when it comes to delivering relief supplies to war zones, as it presents a significant insurance challenge.”

Having witnessed multiple missile and grenade attacks during his relief missions, Georg is familiar with the harsh realities of war in the region. Despite the danger, he persists in distributing relief materials, driven not by fearlessness but by the desire to make a difference. “I get to go home,” he explains, “but the local population lives in constant fear, facing an extreme war against them.”

It’s difficult for Georg to understand why some people don’t flee, but with the support of the organisation Be an Angel in Berlin, he and his team have successfully carried out 111 evacuations. Despite this, many individuals in front-line villages still desperately need assistance.

Selecting an on-site relief depot is also crucial. The goods are often stored in barns or churches and are distributed based on the size of the family. Georg relies on Brantner logistic solutions and personally oversees the distribution. He is unfazed by distrust, even from those who refuse to help and cite concerns that aid could fall into the wrong hands.

“I try to do my best. I brought a teddy bear contributed by a child to another child in Ukraine. I had a wonderful childhood, but the children caught in the conflict can only leave their basements to collect aid or after dark,” he recounted.

Interview | Humanitarian aid transports to Ukraine: What the people really need

We met Georg Jachan for a video interview. In it, he describes what he experienced, what the people on the ground really need and what drives him.

When Unite approached Georg in March 2022 to provide aid to the people in Ukraine, he immediately stepped up to the challenge. With a strong network to rely on, he launched the first relief transport to Ukraine three days after the conflict began. Although the routes are dangerous and require constant adaptation - it can take anywhere from one week to one month for a truck to reach its destination - Georg believes the reward is worth every mile.

The Association for Worldwide Emergency Aid team has delivered a mobile X-ray machine to the region, providing accessible healthcare services and even a ventilator suitable for a field hospital. Their tireless efforts are appreciated by the children who have been hiding in cellars for months.

Joining forces with the Future for Children organisation, Georg also distributed Christmas packages for children, giving them a sense of normalcy. Like Georg, Unite remains committed to helping those affected by the war and meeting their most pressing needs, which is why we are proud to continue our support for the Association for Worldwide Emergency Aid.

“There is usually only two to three hours of electricity a day, so generators, powerbanks, flashlights, and candles are of utmost importance because people can only leave their homes at dusk,” he indicated.

Georg is an empathetic individual

Georg is an empathetic individual who derives strength from knowing his actions can make a difference. We will continue to support his organisation this year.

Peter Ledermann, Member of the Board, Unite Network

Let us work together to make a difference in the lives of those in need

Let's stand together for Ukraine

Let us work together to make a difference in the lives of those in need. Whether through volunteering, donating, or raising awareness, every little bit helps. It’s not just about giving aid, it’s about giving hope.