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Consolidate your tail spend with Europe´s leading B2B Platform and its integrated marketplace

Single vendor, multiple suppliers

Accommodate all your ad-hoc demands without adding to your supplier management time.

Millions of products

From office supplies and IT to safety and MRO, we've got your specialised business needs covered.

Unified European access

Effortlessly connect your multinational HQs across Europe with local suppliers through one streamlined solution.

Shop smartly

Our basket optimisation delivers suggestions for cost savings, faster delivery, fewer packages and shipments.

Compliant purchasing

Hundreds of pre-vetted suppliers for you to shop with confidence. More to connect through the Unite Network.

Search excellence

Unlock the power of a guided cross-product search functionality.

One vendor for all your tail spend needs

The introduction of a platform like Unite has proven to be instrumental in digitizing the supplier base, especially for spot purchases. It is crucial to have flexibility of procurement management in a complex environment.

Clara Gandini, Indirect Procurement, Tesa

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