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Unite at Digital Procurement World 2022

Eventdatum: 21.09.22 - 22.09.22


Don't miss the Fireside Chat, a digital interview format, with our CEO Dr Sebastian Wieser on 22 September.

Beschaffungskonferenz Logo 2022

VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, amibiguity) has a firm grip on the global economy. Businesses worldwide are dealing with rising prices and bottlenecks in the supply chain. This situation warrants long-term strategic thinking to adapt to the new normal. At the Digital Procurement World 2022 (DPW), we'll address this issue and other current topics impacting today's businesses.

DPW is considered the world’s largest and most influential tech event of the procurement industry. Now in its third year, it has grown to over 5,000 attendees and become a crossroads for the world’s largest buyers and sellers of procurement technology, alongside many of the world’s most disruptive emerging technology companies.

Learn more about the programme at DPW here.

Tackling VUCA: customise market dynamics to empower your procurement

Join this engaging discussion about the biggest challenges of our time – volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity – the four problems that will likely stay with us for a while. Will VUCA finally signal the end of static framework prices? How can businesses take advantage of dynamic pricing? How does sustainability come into play? Learn the answers to all these questions and more in the digital live stream with Unite CEO Dr Sebastian Wieser and host Claudia Bechstein.

22 September 2022, 10:25 am - 10:50 am


Dr Sebastian Wieser  
Founder & CEO, Unite

Claudia Bechstein  