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Company name change

Information for buyers

Welcome to our support page for the upcoming changes related to our rebranding from Mercateo to Unite. This page provides all the essential information about the company name change.

What is changing?

In December 2024, our company name will change from Mercateo Deutschland AG to Unite Procurement Deutschland AG. Once the company’s renaming comes into effect, we will inform you. After that, all invoices and business correspondence will reflect our new company name, Unite Procurement Deutschland AG.

What you need to do

Once notified, please update the creditor's name in your system and any templates from Mercateo Deutschland AG to Unite Procurement Deutschland AG

Although it’s unlikely, if your system requires the creation of a new creditor due to our company name change, please inform us by 11 November 2024 at You can find a preliminary master data sheet and a sample invoice in the ‘Download’ section.

What will not change?

Apart from the company name, all other master data will stay the same, as shown in the table below. There will be no changes to the management board members, ownership structure, or legal form of the company.

Current master data (planned changes highlighted):

Change? New Old
Company Name yes

Unite Procurement Deutschland AG

Mercateo Deutschland AG

Commercial Register no change Amtsgericht München Amtsgericht München
Registered Seat no change München München
VAT ID no change IE3573850EH IE3573850EH
DUNS no change 315115298


We have provided some preliminary documents for your convenience, including a sample invoice reflecting the new company name.

Why we are rebranding
To learn more about the reasons behind our rebranding click here.

FAQs: Your questions answered

If your system doesn’t allow for a name change without creating a new account, please contact us at as soon as possible. We will assist you in resolving this.

Please contact your Unite representative or email if you require an official letter. We will provide the necessary documentation once the change is finalised.

The new name is Unite Procurement Deutschland AG. Only the company name changes; all other master data will remain the same.

You can download the preliminary master data sheet above. If you need further documents or need us to fill out forms, contact us at

No, it remains the same, as shown in the table above.



No, it remains unchanged as shown in the table above.

This depends on your purchasing process. If your subsidiary is independently connected to Unite, formerly Mercateo, each must update the name themselves.

Still got questions?

We hope our FAQs cover most of your concerns. If you need further information or have additional questions, please get in touch with us at — we’re here to help!