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Unite bucks the trend with growth in 2024

Unite, the procurement service provider for the private and public sectors, can look back on a successful 2024 financial year.

Two Unitees in the headquarters in Leipzig

Despite the challenging economic situation in Germany and other European countries, Unite recorded an increase in revenue and continued to strengthen its market position. 

Turnover growth despite recession in Europe 

In the 2024 financial year, Unite’s revenue rose by 1.8% to €448.7 million. Net revenue reached €71.8 million, maintaining the stable level seen the previous year. 

In 2024, Unite positioned itself as a procurement service provider with its own platform and integrated marketplace. Drawing on over 20 years of e-procurement and network experience, Unite provides the technical infrastructure for a catalogue-based procurement platform. As well as delivering greater efficiency in the B2B segment, this also benefits public procurement, supporting it with cost-saving, digitally optimised and legally compliant processes. 

Successful expansion in the public sector 

“We continued to acquire important public sector clients in 2024,” says Unite’s CEO Dr Sebastian Wieser. “In September 2024, for example, we were awarded a contract by the Max Planck Society to introduce and operate a digital marketplace. We will continue to strategically expand our work with public-sector clients.” 

Unite has held the Fair Tax Mark, awarded by the Fair Tax Foundation, since 2022 – making it one of the first platform companies to receive this international recognition for tax transparency. In 2024, Unite successfully renewed this certification.  

Unite has also been recognised for its CSR activities with the EcoVadis label since 2021. In 2024, the company achieved a Gold rating – a testament to its ongoing commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. Both accolades highlight not only compliance with legal requirements, but also a culture of trust and partnership – both within Unite and in its external relations. 

About Unite

Unite (formerly Mercateo) connects the economy for sustainable business. The trusted e-procurement platform with its integrated marketplace enables effortless sourcing and purchasing for private and public sector organisations.

Bringing buyers and suppliers together for mutual benefit, Unite has established a solid foundation of fair competition and trustworthy partnerships. The platform’s scalable infrastructure supports connections, business stability and a robust supply chain.

Unite revolutionises procurement for B2B and the public sector by adding and sharing value for markets and communities. In 2022, Unite became the first platform business accredited with the Fair Tax Mark, representing the global standard for responsible tax practices.

Unite was founded as Mercateo in 2000 and is headquartered in Leipzig, Germany. It operates in 12 European countries, with over 700 employees working both in-office and remotely. In 2024, Unite achieved revenue of €448.7 million.

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Two Unitees in the Unite headquarters

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Foto: Peter Eichler ©2024

Unite CEO Dr Sebastian Wieser

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Foto: Nils Günther-Alavanja

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