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Press release


Articles 17 — Page 1 of 2
Press 28.08.24

Unite achieves EcoVadis Gold rating

Unite has received its first gold rating from EcoVadis, the world’s largest provider of sustainability ratings, in recognition of its...

Press 10.06.24

Cloud-based procurement solution by Onventis and Unite

Pre-integrating the Mercateo Marketplace from Unite gives Onventis customers instant access to millions of products in 12 European markets.

Press 29.06.23

Unite joins Coupa Advantage with its Mercateo B2B Marketplace

Coupa customers can access Mercateo's B2B assortment comprising hundreds of pre-vetted suppliers in 12 European countries.

Press 05.06.23

Tracking sustainability in B2B procurement

New study examines the current state of sustainable procurement and responsible supply chains.

Press 17.11.22

Mercateo UK Ltd awarded a tail spend procurement contract by HMG Home Office

The UK Government’s Home Office department has selected Mercateo UK Ltd to provide a digital marketplace solution that will facilitate its tail...

Press 29.09.22

Unite becomes first platform business to secure Fair Tax Mark accreditation

Unite has today been awarded the Fair Tax Mark by the Fair Tax Foundation. The company with its Mercateo Procurement Portal becomes the first...

Press 26.07.22

Unite strengthens its Executive Board

The Supervisory Board of Unite has appointed Christel Constant as new Executive Board member for Marketing, Sales and Customer Success.

Press 24.05.22

Unite completes successful financial year 2021

Unite has reported a strong financial year 2021.

Press 13.01.22

Mercateo becomes Unite: B2B platform repositions itself

The Mercateo Group merges its two lines of business under one new brand, Unite.

Press 12.11.21

André Schwarz joins the Mercateo Group from BGA

Leipzig, 12 November 2021: On 1 November 2021, André Schwarz assumed the role of Vice President Government Affairs & Public-Private...

Press 27.05.21

Mercateo displays solid growth in 2020 after a challenging year for B2B markets

Leipzig (Germany), 27 May 2021: In 2020, B2B markets around the world suffered one of their most turbulent years.