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Unite stands for responsible tax conduct

At Unite, we're transparent and consistent in reporting our tax and financial affairs to the outside world. We believe fairness is paramount to creating a shared-value ecosystem and an excellent opportunity to encourage change within the procurement industry.

Responsible tax behaviour

The Fair Tax Mark Global Multinational Business Standard accreditation is awarded to companies that:

  • pay the right amount of tax (but no more) in the right place at the right time, according to both the letter and the spirit of the law;
  • readily provide sufficient public information to enable its stakeholders to form a rounded and informed view of its beneficial ownership, tax conduct and financial presence (across the world if they are a multinational);
  • say what they pay with pride.
Zwei Personen halten ein großes Pluszeichen hoch, sinnbildlich für den hohen Standard von Anbietern bei Unite

Making a contribution

Unite is a catalyst for change. We recognise and celebrate responsible tax conduct because tax contributions are a vital part of our broader social and economic contribution, helping the communities in which we operate to deliver valuable public services and build infrastructure that paves the way for growth. Fair Tax accreditation is just one of the many initiatives undertaken by us to foster ethical governance.

Read more about the Whistleblowing System, Code of Conduct for Business Partners and the EcoVadis rating.

Unite ist mit seinem verantwortungsvollen Steuerverhalten und seiner finanziellen Transparenz ein Vorbild für andere Unternehmen. Hier macht man seine Steuerabgaben öffentlich zugänglich.

Paul Monaghan, Chief Executive, Fair Tax Foundation

Unite becomes first platform business to secure Fair Tax Mark accreditation

Unite erhält als erstes Plattform­unternehmen das Fair-Tax-Siegel

Unite wurde heute von der Fair Tax Foundation mit dem Siegel „Fair Tax Mark“ ausgezeichnet. Es ist damit das erste Plattformunternehmen, das diese internationale Anerkennung für Steuertransparenz erhält. Gleichzeitig ist Unite das erste multinationale Unternehmen mit Sitz in Deutschland, welches das Siegel bekommt.

Fair Tax Policy Statement

Unite supports measures aimed at enhancing tax transparency and confirms that this tax policy was effectively complied with for the 2022 year-end.

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