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Electronic interfaces

The interchange of business documents as hard copies entails high costs for paper, postal charges, manual data input in computer systems by employees, storage or archiving of documents and a huge loss of time through transportation or processing times.

That is why Mercateo endeavors to facilitate automated and smooth interchange of business documents.

This documentation describes the various transaction processes and associated business documents which may be used in electronic document processing between the contractor (supplier) and Mercateo. These business transactions include:

  • purchase orders

  • order responses

  • dispatch notifications

  • invoices

To map these documents in a machinereadable format, various standards are supported, both for document formats and communication or transmission methods. Specifically, refer to Sections 5, 6 where specifics as applied at Mercateo are described.

Please note: In case of questions regarding the implementation of electronic interfaces, please contact your supplier manager at Mercateo.


In the following you will find information and documents regarding electronic interfaces with Mercateo (supplier-related):

Electronic Document Processing

Spezification openTRANS

openTRANS examples