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Public Sector Resources

How-to videos
User guides and fact sheets
Public procurement webinar
Case studies
Request a demonstration

Ready to use Unite’s
Mercateo Procurement Portal?

Crown Commercial Service Supplier

Unite is a named supplier on the Crown Commercial Service Tail Spend Solution Framework (RM6202).

How-to videos

Learn more about the features and benefits Unite’s Mercateo Procurement Portal offers your organisation. Our short video tutorials will help you get started.

Discover Unite’s Mercateo Procurement Portal

In this video, you will learn how to navigate the platform and use our purchasing features.

How to create an account and access the Unite Store

In this video, learn how to create an account and access our exclusive Unite Store feature.

How to explore and activate supplier BusinessShops

In this video, learn how to activate preferred supplier BusinessShops and create your personalised B2B marketplace.

How to use the cross-catalogue search

In this video, we’ll show you how to use the cross-catalogue search feature and utilise the advanced product filters.

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User guides and fact sheets

Public Sector buyers' guide

Unite’s Mercateo Procurement Portal is an advanced end-to-end solution that can seamlessly integrate into your own procurement systems allowing you to purchase strategically and within governance.

User management and approval workflow

Create multiple user profiles for employees within the Mercateo Procurement Portal while keeping control over purchase orders and costs. See what users are ordering, assign user rights, set spend limits, and allocate workflow approvals.

Use Mercateo via an interface

Seamlessly connect our Mercateo Procurement Portal with your ERP or e-procurement system. Access Mercateo via PunchOut and put together your shopping cart. We’ll transfer your purchasing data via OCI or cXML straight into your system.

Using the Unite Store in the Mercateo Procurement Portal

Access our Unite Store to activate named supplier BusinessShops and build a preferred supplier marketplace. Invite your existing suppliers to join the platform and easily manage your multiple contracts.

Introductory leaflet ‘Mercateo Procurement Portal’

Read our short promotional leaflet and find out how our compliant platform helps you procure within governance and brings you closer to reaching your organisation's economic, sustainability, and social value goals.

Crown Commercial Service: Tail Spend Solution Framework (RM6202)

Tail spend is severely under managed costing the public sector billions of pounds every year. Learn how the CCS Tail Spend Solution brings 'power to your procurement' by helping you get on top of your indirect spend and achieve competitive pricing, transparency and a compliant route to market.

Webinar - Transforming your tail spend management

See our Mercateo Procurement Portal in action. Learn how our platform empowers you to consolidate your organisation’s spot buying, multi-supplier purchasing, framework agreements and one-to-one supplier relationships into a single digital management system.

Case study: HMG Home Office

The UK Government’s Home Office has selected Mercateo UK Ltd to provide a digital B2B marketplace solution to facilitate its tail spend purchasing, resulting in a 'fundamental change to its low-value sourcing and self-service processes'.

Request a free online demonstration

To find out more and discuss your organisation’s requirements, contact us for an informal chat and tailored demonstration.

Ready to get started?

Explore Mercateo’s marketplace, featuring millions of products from hundreds of pre-vetted suppliers.

ISO certification

Mercateo UK Ltd has been assessed and found to be compliant by QualityCERT to the standards, guidelines and codes of practice of ISO 27001:2017.

(Certificate number CQC061221)