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Avoid product returns through superior information

Mercateo consistently receives questions on how suppliers can improve their content. Missing content and order information in the duplicates and individual offers frequently leads to product returns or unnecessary queries. This can be avoided with the correct order and content information.

  • For example: it is not sufficient if you, the supplier, state that the content is five units in the long description, but only save one carton or package in BMEcat (the electronic catalogue) as the packaging.

  • It is a problem if you achieve the best price with the packaging unit, but the customer is unable to see that this also applies to the smallest unit of content.

Please remember:: The order and content unit stand in a direct relationship with the price. They are parameters for good content and orders whose pricing is clear.

Help to prevent product returns and reduce needless queries. We would therefore like to provide you with some important information on this topic.

The price always refers to the order unit: if the smallest possible order unit in the BMEcat is stated as C62 (unit), SET (set), ST (sheet) or PR (pair), for example, the content unit is 1 and should not be stated further.

When using all of the other units specified by Mercateo it is necessary to enter the content unit and packaging quantity together in the BMEcat.

  • For example: order unit DI (container) with contents in LTR (litres) 5. => The customer purchases a container with a content of 5 litres.

  • For example: order unit PA (package) with 500 ST (sheets). => The customer purchases a package with a content of 500 sheets.

The minimum order amount describes the minimum quantity of the item which is to be ordered as regards the order unit. Unless otherwise stated, the standard value of 1 is assumed.

  • For example: Minimum order amount 3 CG (carton). => The customer purchases cartons and has to buy at least 3 and can then put 4, 5 etc. in their shopping basket.

The quantity scale/the multiple states the number of units in which the item can be ordered as regards the order unit.

  • For example: Order unit PA (package) in a multiple of 4 can be ordered. => The customer purchases 4 packages and can only put multiples of four in their shopping basket.

We conclude with an example which contains all the details:

  • For example: the customer purchases CG (cartons) with 12 CA (cans), with a minimum order amount of 6 CG and they can then order in multiples of 2 CG, meaning 8, 10, 12 CG etc. In the BMEcat, it would therefore be necessary to enter “CG” with the order unit, “12 CA with the content unit, “6” with the minimum order amount, and “2” with the quantity scale.

We will be pleased to send you the complete documentation on the catalogue creation. Request it directly from your Mercateo supplier manager who will be pleased support you with further information.