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Successful 2018 financial year for Mercateo Group

Munich, 12th February 2019 - The Mercateo Group can look back on a successful fiscal year. The preliminary figures for 2018 show sales of €285 million. Compared to the previous year, net revenue increased by approximately 18% to just under €35 million with a positive annual net profit. Mercateo employs 550 people in Germany and 13 other European countries.

Mercateo has been operating Europe’s largest B2B marketplace since 2000. Unite Network AG has been an independent company of the Mercateo Group since 2018 and operates the neutral B2B networking platform

“In 2018, we created important conditions for future activities not only technologically, but also in our corporate structure,” explains Mercateo board member Peter Ledermann, responsible for Human Resources and Finance. “By outsourcing part of the commercial business from Mercateo AG, we have clearly separated this from the network business. Mercateo AG was renamed Unite Network AG and the message was given to the market: Mercateo trade does not interfere in the network business; Mercateo Unite is a neutral platform.”

Mr. Ledermann also comments on the development of the financial figures: “As in previous years, we grew profitably in 2018 and are recording growth in the right places: The share of sales revenue accounted for by customers with sales support rose again in 2018. Internationally, we recorded further successful development.”

The networking platform Mercateo Unite is not only available in Germany via API interface, but also in Austria, Great Britain, the Netherlands and France. In addition to SAP Ariba, other companies were acquired as interface partners in 2018, including Opus Capita and Jaggaer.

Looking ahead to the new year, Mr. Ledermann says, “We wish to continue our profitable growth in 2019 and further expand our international business. In addition, we will make even greater use of the networking potential of our customers and providers and support them with Unite as our infrastructure. Also planned is the expansion of our current partnerships and the integration of additional partners".

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