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At least one representative illustration belongs with each product. You already determine in your catalogue which image files should be displayed later for a certain product on the product detail page (Mercateo platform). At the same time, you send us the image files in JPG or GIF format via FTP.

You can find instructions here:

General information

An illustration or an item data sheet for a product almost always has a sales-promoting effect. We thus recommend saving at least one illustration and one data sheet per item in the catalogue. Mercateo supports the formats JPG, GIF and PDF.

The data is provided via FTP. The file names in the catalogue (BMEcat) must be created at the same time so that a correct allocation can take place in our system later on.

The following image shows how product images are shown on the Mercateo platform:


Content-related requirements:

  • The first image must be a representative image of the product

  • The image should show product without additional features

  • The item name and, if necessary, a reference to the item view should be provided as an image description (e.g. “Side view printer XYZ”)

Technical requirements:

  • At least one clear item image is required as a GIF or JPG.

  • The optimum size is 600 x 600 pixels, larger files are adapted by the system.

  • The minimum size is 200 x 200 pixels.

  • Send each image only once

Information about naming:

  • The name of the file can only contain lower case letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores.

  • File name must contain lower case letters only, without spaces and symbols

  • Do not use any spaces or special characters (umlauts, < , >, …).

  • Same images must have the same name

  • Please avoid image names beginning with tn_ and gr_.

Please do not use:

  • logos (except for manufacturer logos as second image).

  • placeholders („no image“)

Implementation in BMEcat

Images are saved in the MIME_INFO area. The following types are supported by Mercateo as MIME_TYPE:


GIF files:


As MIME_PURPOSE, please set normal for images:


Extract from BMEcat:

<MIME_DESCR>Copypaper white</MIME_DESCR>
<MIME_DESCR>Product details</MIME_DESCR>

Implementation in the Mercateo workflow

The referenced image files can be stated from column Z (MIME_SOURCE1):

We recommend using columns Z to AQ to state the images. Please enter the product data sheet in column AR to AT and the safety data sheet, if available, in column AU to AW.

Image download via URLs in BMEcat

It is possible to download images during catalogue processing using URLs. However, this must be coordinated with Mercateo Catalogue Management and set up within the system.

Implementation in BMEcat would look as follows:

<MIME_DESCR>Copypaper white</MIME_DESCR>

Please do not use:

  • The URL must be stated in the BMEcat field MIME_SOURCE.

  • The URL must lead directly to an image, downloading from overview pages does not work.

  • Image/jpeg or image/gif must be set as MIME_TYPE and normal as MIME_PURPOSE.

Data transfer information

  1. Please transfer the images for your catalogue into the FTP subdirectory images. Each supplier usually only has one image directory in our system.

  2. The product images are saved and provided in this directory for all of the supplier’s catalogues.

  3. The FTP directory is only used as a transfer location. You are welcome to delete old image sheets there.

  4. Please only transfer one file per image to us. The thumbnails are automatically created during image processing.

General information

Category images are only displayed in the Mercateo brand worlds or manufacturer catalogues. Activation takes place via Mercateo Catalogue Management.

As the displayed category images have a maximum edge length of 50 pixels, it is recommended that simple product views with few details and colours are used.

Here is an example of well-functioning category images:

Please find content-related and technical requirements concerning the image files and information on transfer via FTP in the instructions for product images.

Implementation in BMEcat

Category images are saved within the product groups in the MIME_INFO area.

<MIME_SOURCE>category image1.jpg</MIME_SOURCE>
</CATALOG_STRUCTURE type=”node”>

Implementation in the Mercateo workflow

To incorporate category images, please use the Excel table with the product groups (Mercateo-CatalogueTOOL_Categories_DE.xls). There, you can state the image names in columns D and E.


A data sheet with a detailed product description or a safety data sheet can be transferred for each product. You already determine in your catalogue which data sheets should be displayed later for a certain product on the product detail page (Mercateo platform) and can be accessed there for the customer. At the same time, you send us the data sheets in PDF format via FTP.

You can find instructions here:

General information

An illustration or an item data sheet for a product almost always has a sales-promoting effect. We thus recommend saving at least one illustration and one data sheet per item in the catalogue. Mercateo supports the formats JPG, GIF and PDF.

The data is provided via FTP. The file names in the catalogue (BMEcat) must be created at the same time so that a correct allocation can take place in our system later on.

The following image shows where data sheets (PDFs) are shown on the Mercateo platform:


Content-related requirements:

  • The product data sheet must be in the language of the respective market.

  • The product data sheet should represent value adding information.

  • The item name should be included as a descriptive text (e.g. “Item data sheet printer XYZ”).

Technical requirements:

  • Each PDF can only be sent once.

  • The displaying of only one data sheet and one safety data sheet per product is activated as standard. If the displaying of several data sheets should be activated, Mercateo must be specially informed of this.

  • The product data sheet must be up to date.

Information about naming:

  • The name of the file can only contain lower case letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores.

  • File name must contain lower case letters only, without spaces and symbols

  • Do not use any spaces or special characters (umlauts, < , >, …).

  • The same PDFs must not be supplied with several names.

Implementation in BMEcat

Data sheets are saved in the MIME_INFO area. The following MIME_TYPE must be set:


As MIME_PURPOSE, please set data_sheet for data sheets:


Here is an extract from BMEcat:

<MIME_DESCR>Copypaper white</MIME_DESCR>

Implementation in the Mercateo workflow

The referenced data sheets can be stated from column AR (MIME_SOURCE7):

We recommend using columns AR to AT to state the product data sheet. Columns AU to AW are intended for the safety data sheet and you can enter the product images in the columns Z to AQ.

PDF download via URLs in BMEcat

It is possible to download PDFs during catalogue processing using URLs. However, this must be coordinated with Mercateo Catalogue Management and set up within the system.

Implementation in BMEcat would look as follows:

<MIME_DESCR>Copypaper white</MIME_DESCR>

Please note:

  • The URL must be stated in the BMEcat field MIME_SOURCE.

  • The URL must lead directly to a data sheet, downloading from overview pages does not work.

  • Application/pdf must be set as MIME_TYPE and data_sheet as MIME_PURPOSE.

Data transfer information

Please transfer the data sheets for your catalogue into the FTP subdirectory pdf.

Each supplier usually only has one PDF directory in our system. The product data sheets are saved and provided in this directory for all of the supplier’s catalogues. The FTP directory is only used as a transfer location. You are welcome to delete old data sheets there.

General information

It is MANDATORY to save a safety data sheet for the list of products subject to mandatory hazardous materials labelling on Mercateo.

In accordance with the REACH Directive, Article 31, safety data sheets are to be provided unrequested to the customer for substances and mixtures that are classified as dangerous. The safety data sheet is to be given to the recipient at the latest with the first delivery of the substance/mixture. The law allows scope for depositing and the possibility of downloading as a PDF. As added value for the customer, the safety data sheet is available to download at any time next to the item data sheet on the item detail page.

Amendments to the safety data sheets are to be reported to Mercateo within 12 months of the order date. In order to meet these obligations, it is necessary for you to send us the updated safety data sheets, stating the respective Mercateo order number, by e-mail to

You can find more information about labelling according to GHS here.

The following image shows where safety data sheets (PDFs) are shown on the Mercateo platform:


Content-related requirements:

  • The saftey data sheet must be in the language of the respective market.

  • The safety data sheet should represent value adding information.

  • The item name should be included as a descriptive text (e.g. “Safety data sheet printer XYZ”).

Technical requirements:

  • Each PDF can only be sent once.

  • The displaying of only one data sheet and one safety data sheet per product is activated as standard. If the displaying of several safety sheets should be activated, Mercateo must be specially informed of this.

  • The safety data sheet must be up to date.

Information about naming:

  • The name of the file can only contain lower case letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores.

  • File name must contain lower case letters only, without spaces and symbols

  • Do not use any spaces or special characters (umlauts, < , >, …).

  • The same PDFs must not be supplied with several names.

Implementation in BMEcat

Safety data sheets are saved in the area MIME_INFO. The following MIME_TYPE must be set:


As MIME_PURPOSE, please set safety_data_sheet for safety data sheets:


Here is an extract from BMEcat:

<MIME_DESCR>Safety data sheet</MIME_DESCR>

Implementation in the Mercateo workflow

The referenced safety data sheets can be stated from column AU (MIME_SOURCE8):

We recommend using columns AU to AW to state the safety data sheet. The columns AR to AT are intended for the product data sheet and you can enter the product images in the columns Z to AQ.

PDF download via URLs in BMEcat

It is possible to download safety data sheets during catalogue processing using URLs. However, this must be coordinated with Mercateo Catalogue Management and set up within the system.

The safety data sheets are requested and downloaded from the server with every catalogue update.

Implementation in BMEcat would look as follows:

<MIME_DESCR>Safety data sheet</MIME_DESCR>

Please note:

  • The URL must be stated in the BMEcat field MIME_SOURCE.

  • The URL must lead directly to a data sheet, downloading from overview pages does not work.

  • Application/pdf must be set as MIME_TYPE and safety_data_sheet as MIME_PURPOSE.

Data transfer information

Please transfer the safety data sheets for your catalogue into the FTP subdirectory pdf.

Each supplier usually only has one PDF directory in our system. The safety data sheets are saved and provided in this directory for all of the supplier’s catalogues. The FTP directory is only used as a transfer location. You are welcome to delete old data sheets there.